retrospective_AM (retrospective of Assessment model in MSE)
Plots the true retrospective of an assessment model during the closed-loop simulation. A series of time series estimates of SSB, F, and VB are plotted over the course of the MSE are plotted against the operating model (true) values (in black).
An object of class MSEtool::MSE.
- MP
Character. The name of the management procedure created by
containing the assessment model.- sim
Integer between 1 and MSE@nsim. The simulation number for which the retrospectives will be plotted.
- plot_legend
Logical. Whether to plot legend to reference year of assessment in the MSE.
A series of figures for SSB, depletion, fishing mortality, and vulnerable biomass (VB) estimated in the MP over the course of the closed-loop simulation against the values generated in the operating model (both historical and projected).
For assessment models that utilize annual exploitation rates (u), the instantaneous fishing mortality rates are obtained as F = -log(1 - u).
This function only plots retrospectives from a single simulation in the MSE. Results from one figure may not be indicative of general assessment behavior and performance overall.
# \donttest{
SP_40_10 <- make_MP(SP, HCR_MSY, diagnostic = "full")
OM <- MSEtool::testOM; OM@proyears <- 20
myMSE <- MSEtool::runMSE(OM = OM, MPs = "SP_40_10")
#> ℹ Checking OM for completeness
#> ✔ Loading operating model
#> ✔ Optimizing for user-specified movement
#> ✔ Calculating MSY reference points for each year
#> ✔ Optimizing for user-specified depletion in last historical year
#> ✔ Calculating historical stock and fishing dynamics
#> ✔ Calculating per-recruit reference points
#> ✔ Calculating B-low reference points
#> ✔ Calculating reference yield - best fixed F strategy
#> ✔ Simulating observed data
#> ✔ Running forward projections
#> ✔ 1 / 1 Running MSE for SP_40_10
|=== | 5 % ~01s
|====== | 11% ~01s
|======== | 16% ~00s
|=========== | 21% ~00s
|============== | 26% ~01s
|================ | 32% ~00s
|=================== | 37% ~00s
|====================== | 42% ~00s
|======================== | 47% ~00s
|=========================== | 53% ~00s
|============================= | 58% ~00s
|================================ | 63% ~00s
|=================================== | 68% ~00s
|===================================== | 74% ~00s
|======================================== | 79% ~00s
|=========================================== | 84% ~00s
|============================================= | 89% ~00s
|================================================ | 95% ~00s
|==================================================| 100% elapsed=01s
retrospective_AM(myMSE, MP = "SP_40_10", sim = 1)
# How to get all the estimates
assess_estimates <- lapply(1:myMSE@nMPs, function(m) {
lapply(1:myMSE@nsim, function(x) {
report <- myMSE@PPD[[m]]@Misc[[x]]$Assessment_report
if (is.null(report)) {
} else {
mutate(report, MP = myMSE@MPs[m], Simulation = x)
}) %>% bind_rows()
}) %>% bind_rows()
# }