Calculate mahalanobis distance (null and alternative MSEs) and statistical power for all MPs in an MSE
Calculate mahalanobis distance (null and alternative MSEs) and statistical power for all MPs in an MSE
- MSE_null
An object of class MSE representing the null hypothesis
- MSE_alt
An object of class MSE representing the alternative hypothesis
- tsd
Character string of data types: Cat = catch, Ind = relative abundance index, ML = mean length in catches
- stat
Character string defining the quantity to be calculated for each data type, slp = slope(log(x)), AAV = average annual variability, mu = mean(log(x))
- dnam
Character string of names for the quantities calculated
- res
Integer, the resolution (time blocking) for the calculation of PPD
- alpha
Probability of incorrectly rejecting the null operating model when it is valid
- plotCC
Logical, should the PPD cross correlations be plotted?
- removedat
Logical, should data not contributing to the mahalanobis distance be removed?
- removethresh
Positive fraction: the cumulative percentage of removed data (removedat=TRUE) that contribute to the mahalanobis distance
A list object with two hierarchies of indexing, first by MP, second has two positions as described in Probs: (1) mahalanobis distance, (2) a matrix of type 1 error (first row) and statistical power (second row), by time block.