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A suite of model-based management procedures (MPs) included in the package. Additional MPs, with specific model configurations (e.g., stock-recruit function or fixing certain parameters) or alternative ramped harvest control rules can be created with make_MP and the available Assess and HCR objects with constant TAC between assessment years.


SCA_MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")

SCA_75MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")

SCA_4010(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")

DDSS_MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")

DDSS_75MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")

DDSS_4010(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")

SP_MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")

SP_75MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")

SP_4010(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")

SSS_MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")

SSS_75MSY(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")

SSS_4010(x, Data, reps = 1, diagnostic = "min")



A position in the Data object.


An object of class Data


Numeric, the number of stochastic replicates for the management advice.


Character string describing the assessment diagnostic to save, see make_MP.


An object of class MSEtool::Rec which contains the management recommendation.


  • SCA_MSY(): A statistical catch-at-age model with a TAC recommendation based on fishing at FMSY, and default arguments for configuring SCA.

  • SCA_75MSY(): An SCA with a TAC recommendation based on fishing at 75% of FMSY.

  • SCA_4010(): An SCA with a 40-10 control rule.

  • DDSS_MSY(): A state-space delay difference model with a TAC recommendation based on fishing at FMSY, and default arguments for configuring DD_SS.

  • DDSS_75MSY(): A state-space delay difference model with a TAC recommendation based on fishing at 75% of FMSY.

  • DDSS_4010(): A state-space delay difference model with a 40-10 control rule.

  • SP_MSY(): A surplus production model with a TAC recommendation based on fishing at FMSY, and default arguments for configuring SP.

  • SP_75MSY(): A surplus production model with a TAC recommendation based on fishing at 75% of FMSY.

  • SP_4010(): A surplus production model with a 40-10 control rule.

  • SSS_MSY(): Simple stock synthesis (terminal depletion fixed to 0.4 in SSS) with a TAC recommendation based on fishing at FMSY.

  • SSS_75MSY(): Simple stock synthesis (terminal depletion fixed to 0.4) with with a TAC recommendation based on fishing at 75% FMSY.

  • SSS_4010(): Simple stock synthesis (terminal depletion fixed to 0.4) with a 40-10 control rule.


MSEtool::avail("MP", package = "SAMtool")
#>  Searching for objects of class  MP  in package:  SAMtool
#>  [1] "DDSS_4010"  "DDSS_75MSY" "DDSS_MSY"   "SCA_4010"   "SCA_75MSY" 
#>  [6] "SCA_MSY"    "SP_4010"    "SP_75MSY"   "SP_MSY"     "SSS_4010"  
#> [11] "SSS_75MSY"  "SSS_MSY"   

# \donttest{
myMSE <- MSEtool::runMSE(MSEtool::testOM, MPs = c("FMSYref", "SCA_4010"))
#>  Checking OM for completeness
#>  Loading operating model
#>  Optimizing for user-specified movement
#>  Calculating MSY reference points for each year
#>  Optimizing for user-specified depletion in last historical year
#>  Calculating historical stock and fishing dynamics
#>  Calculating per-recruit reference points
#>  Calculating B-low reference points
#>  Calculating reference yield - best fixed F strategy
#>  Simulating observed data
#>  Running forward projections
#>  1 / 2  Running MSE for FMSYref 
  |==                                                | 2 % ~00s          
  |===                                               | 4 % ~00s          
  |====                                              | 6 % ~00s          
  |=====                                             | 8 % ~00s          
  |======                                            | 10% ~00s          
  |=======                                           | 12% ~00s          
  |========                                          | 14% ~00s          
  |=========                                         | 16% ~00s          
  |==========                                        | 18% ~00s          
  |===========                                       | 20% ~00s          
  |============                                      | 22% ~00s          
  |=============                                     | 24% ~00s          
  |==============                                    | 27% ~01s          
  |===============                                   | 29% ~01s          
  |================                                  | 31% ~01s          
  |=================                                 | 33% ~01s          
  |==================                                | 35% ~01s          
  |===================                               | 37% ~01s          
  |====================                              | 39% ~01s          
  |=====================                             | 41% ~01s          
  |======================                            | 43% ~01s          
  |=======================                           | 45% ~01s          
  |========================                          | 47% ~00s          
  |=========================                         | 49% ~00s          
  |==========================                        | 51% ~00s          
  |===========================                       | 53% ~00s          
  |============================                      | 55% ~00s          
  |=============================                     | 57% ~00s          
  |==============================                    | 59% ~00s          
  |===============================                   | 61% ~00s          
  |================================                  | 63% ~00s          
  |=================================                 | 65% ~00s          
  |==================================                | 67% ~00s          
  |===================================               | 69% ~00s          
  |====================================              | 71% ~00s          
  |=====================================             | 73% ~00s          
  |======================================            | 76% ~00s          
  |=======================================           | 78% ~00s          
  |========================================          | 80% ~00s          
  |=========================================         | 82% ~00s          
  |==========================================        | 84% ~00s          
  |===========================================       | 86% ~00s          
  |============================================      | 88% ~00s          
  |=============================================     | 90% ~00s          
  |==============================================    | 92% ~00s          
  |===============================================   | 94% ~00s          
  |================================================  | 96% ~00s          
  |================================================= | 98% ~00s          
  |==================================================| 100% elapsed=01s  
#>  2 / 2  Running MSE for SCA_4010 
  |==                                                | 2 % ~54s          
  |===                                               | 4 % ~27s          
  |====                                              | 6 % ~17s          
  |=====                                             | 8 % ~13s          
  |======                                            | 10% ~22s          
  |=======                                           | 12% ~18s          
  |========                                          | 14% ~15s          
  |=========                                         | 16% ~13s          
  |==========                                        | 18% ~28s          
  |===========                                       | 20% ~24s          
  |============                                      | 22% ~22s          
  |=============                                     | 24% ~19s          
  |==============                                    | 27% ~22s          
  |===============                                   | 29% ~20s          
  |================                                  | 31% ~18s          
  |=================                                 | 33% ~16s          
  |==================                                | 35% ~18s          
  |===================                               | 37% ~17s          
  |====================                              | 39% ~15s          
  |=====================                             | 41% ~14s          
  |======================                            | 43% ~16s          
  |=======================                           | 45% ~15s          
  |========================                          | 47% ~13s          
  |=========================                         | 49% ~12s          
  |==========================                        | 51% ~14s          
  |===========================                       | 53% ~12s          
  |============================                      | 55% ~12s          
  |=============================                     | 57% ~11s          
  |==============================                    | 59% ~11s          
  |===============================                   | 61% ~11s          
  |================================                  | 63% ~10s          
  |=================================                 | 65% ~09s          
  |==================================                | 67% ~09s          
  |===================================               | 69% ~09s          
  |====================================              | 71% ~08s          
  |=====================================             | 73% ~07s          
  |======================================            | 76% ~07s          
  |=======================================           | 78% ~07s          
  |========================================          | 80% ~06s          
  |=========================================         | 82% ~05s          
  |==========================================        | 84% ~05s          
  |===========================================       | 86% ~04s          
  |============================================      | 88% ~04s          
  |=============================================     | 90% ~03s          
  |==============================================    | 92% ~03s          
  |===============================================   | 94% ~02s          
  |================================================  | 96% ~01s          
  |================================================= | 98% ~01s          
  |==================================================| 100% elapsed=33s  
# }