A simple control rule that explicitly specifies the target apical F independent of any model.
- Assessment
An object of class Assessment with estimates of next year's abundance or biomass.
- reps
The number of replicates of the TAC recommendation (not used).
- Ftarget
The value of F.
An object of class MSEtool::Rec with the TAC recommendation.
The catch advice is calculated using the catch equation of the corresponding
assessment. See Assessment@forecast$catch_eq
, a function that returns the catch advice for a specified Ftarget
# create an MP to run in closed-loop MSE (fishes at F = 0.2)
F0.2 <- make_MP(SP, HCR_fixedF, Ftarget = 0.2)
# \donttest{
myOM <- MSEtool::runMSE(MSEtool::testOM, MPs = c("FMSYref", "F0.2"))
#> ℹ Checking OM for completeness
#> ✔ Loading operating model
#> ✔ Optimizing for user-specified movement
#> ✔ Calculating MSY reference points for each year
#> ✔ Optimizing for user-specified depletion in last historical year
#> ✔ Calculating historical stock and fishing dynamics
#> ✔ Calculating per-recruit reference points
#> ✔ Calculating B-low reference points
#> ✔ Calculating reference yield - best fixed F strategy
#> ✔ Simulating observed data
#> ✔ Running forward projections
#> ✔ 1 / 2 Running MSE for FMSYref
|== | 2 % ~00s
|=== | 4 % ~00s
|==== | 6 % ~00s
|===== | 8 % ~00s
|====== | 10% ~00s
|======= | 12% ~00s
|======== | 14% ~00s
|========= | 16% ~00s
|========== | 18% ~00s
|=========== | 20% ~00s
|============ | 22% ~00s
|============= | 24% ~00s
|============== | 27% ~00s
|=============== | 29% ~00s
|================ | 31% ~00s
|================= | 33% ~00s
|================== | 35% ~00s
|=================== | 37% ~00s
|==================== | 39% ~00s
|===================== | 41% ~00s
|====================== | 43% ~00s
|======================= | 45% ~00s
|======================== | 47% ~00s
|========================= | 49% ~00s
|========================== | 51% ~00s
|=========================== | 53% ~00s
|============================ | 55% ~00s
|============================= | 57% ~00s
|============================== | 59% ~00s
|=============================== | 61% ~00s
|================================ | 63% ~00s
|================================= | 65% ~00s
|================================== | 67% ~00s
|=================================== | 69% ~00s
|==================================== | 71% ~00s
|===================================== | 73% ~00s
|====================================== | 76% ~00s
|======================================= | 78% ~00s
|======================================== | 80% ~00s
|========================================= | 82% ~00s
|========================================== | 84% ~00s
|=========================================== | 86% ~00s
|============================================ | 88% ~00s
|============================================= | 90% ~00s
|============================================== | 92% ~00s
|=============================================== | 94% ~00s
|================================================ | 96% ~00s
|================================================= | 98% ~00s
|==================================================| 100% elapsed=01s
#> ✔ 2 / 2 Running MSE for F0.2
|== | 2 % ~03s
|=== | 4 % ~02s
|==== | 6 % ~01s
|===== | 8 % ~01s
|====== | 10% ~01s
|======= | 12% ~01s
|======== | 14% ~01s
|========= | 16% ~01s
|========== | 18% ~01s
|=========== | 20% ~01s
|============ | 22% ~01s
|============= | 24% ~01s
|============== | 27% ~01s
|=============== | 29% ~01s
|================ | 31% ~01s
|================= | 33% ~01s
|================== | 35% ~01s
|=================== | 37% ~01s
|==================== | 39% ~01s
|===================== | 41% ~01s
|====================== | 43% ~01s
|======================= | 45% ~01s
|======================== | 47% ~01s
|========================= | 49% ~01s
|========================== | 51% ~01s
|=========================== | 53% ~01s
|============================ | 55% ~01s
|============================= | 57% ~01s
|============================== | 59% ~01s
|=============================== | 61% ~01s
|================================ | 63% ~00s
|================================= | 65% ~00s
|================================== | 67% ~00s
|=================================== | 69% ~00s
|==================================== | 71% ~00s
|===================================== | 73% ~00s
|====================================== | 76% ~00s
|======================================= | 78% ~00s
|======================================== | 80% ~00s
|========================================= | 82% ~00s
|========================================== | 84% ~00s
|=========================================== | 86% ~00s
|============================================ | 88% ~00s
|============================================= | 90% ~00s
|============================================== | 92% ~00s
|=============================================== | 94% ~00s
|================================================ | 96% ~00s
|================================================= | 98% ~00s
|==================================================| 100% elapsed=02s
# }